he Picture Style control allows you to determine the ‘look’ of a picture.
As with white balance, you can leave this option set to Auto, and let your
camera choose a combination that it calculates will complement the scene.
The camera, of course doesn’t know precisely what the subject of the picture is, so you are
able to override the Auto option by choosing one of the preset Picture Styles.
The range on offer isn’t exactly expansive: there’s not always a lot to separate
Standard and Auto, for instance, nor the similarly subdued Neutral and Faithful options.
But you can customize the result by adjusting parameters like contrast and saturation.
High Contrast
You can increase
the contrast and
‘vividness’ of
colours by setting
the contrast
towards the plus
end of the scale.
The general-
Standard option
- not too saturated,
not too sharp - provides a good
starting point for a
Custom Picture
Low Contrast
Moving the indicator
towards the minus
end of the scale
makes the image
appear less crisp,
with darker areas
appearing brighter.
High Colour
Colour Tone is
designed to help
correct skin tone;
setting it closer to
plus end will give the
image a yellow bias.
If you want your
colours to be even
bolder, move the
indicator towards
the plus end. The
results can be garish
if not used with care.
Low Colour
The farther you
push the indicator
into the minus side,
the more the image
takes on an overall
red bias in your
Get subdued results
by moving the
indicator towards
minus. Try
combining with
increased contrast
for a stylized image.
The Canon Magazine 87
Customizing a Picture Style
Get a subtler or bolder look by changing the way a JPEG is processed
THE LOCK button can help you
avoid inadvertently overriding the
camera’s settings. Positioned near
the Quick Control Dial on those
cameras that have one, this switch
allows you to deactivate the dial’s
function – it will still rotate, but it
won’t alter any setting. This can be
useful for preventing any accidental
exposure compensation adjustment
when you’re carrying the camera on
your shoulder. You can also
customize the Multi-function feature,
allowing you to deactivate other
functions such as the Main Dial and
the touchscreen, if your camera has
one. The camera will warn you that
the lock is active when you try to use
that function.
School tip Multi function Lock
Ensure you make intentional adjustments rather than accidental ones
Take^ control^
Customize^ the^ LOCK^ button^
By dipping^ into^ the^ yellow^
Set-up^ menu^ on^ your^ DSLR