Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-03-06)

(Antfer) #1

When was the club founded?
The society began in 1956. The founding
president John West sent a congratulations
email on the 60th anniversary of the society.
Hopefully an 65th anniversary dinner will be
held this coming year.

What does your club offer to new
In past years, the society has organised
training events for new members. Our
members’ lecture evenings are well attended
with members demonstrating still-life
photography, macro photography, studio
evenings, photo editing workshops, and
recently a small group the ‘Shutterbugs’ has
been formed to teach techniques on a more
individual basis. The website and Facebook
blogs are regularly updated with useful

Based in beautiful

Lincolnshire, this club

caters to all genres




techniques, and members’ images. In
addition, longstanding members proactively
help new members with invaluable practical
advice tips from their wealth of experience in
a friendly and informal way.

Describe a typical club meeting
Our club room is normally open for 7pm,
ready for a 7.30pm start, the room is
prepared with the chairs laid out before
members begin to arrive and sign in. The
meeting usually commences with the
president or vice president opening the
meeting. The competition judge or guest
speaker will be introduced, and the meeting
will begin. We usually take a refreshment
break mid evening, giving time for members
to socialise, ask questions, and speak to
the judge, or speaker. The meeting will

5 Bath Parade by David
Evans Great eye contact
and a good use of a
square crop for this
engaging portrait

1 Swaledale by Graham
Harrison This classic
scene includes some
great leading lines,
making an excellent

2 Homeward Bound
with Lunch by Paul
Malley Captured at
precisely the right
moment, this is an
excellent example of
bird behaviour

6 Bridge by Bridge
Light by Ian Jackson A
nicely framed shot which
shows off the impressive
nature of Victorian

1 2

5 6

24-25 ClubProfile Mar6 JP AD.indd 24 22/02/2021 13:45

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