Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-03-06)

(Antfer) #1



he story we can tell within
a single exposure does not
have to be restricted to
that period of time during

which the shutter was open. If we

take a picture at 4pm exactly, the

story represented in that frame does

not have to start at 4pm and end at

1/60sec past the hour. With care and
consideration for what we include
in the composition we can make our
picture sum up the events of perhaps
an hour or even a whole day. There’s
no denying of course that it’s a tricky
job to compress a few hours into a
fraction of a second, and we don’t

Double exposures used to be a function of forgetting

whether the lm was wound on, but for Louis Dazy

they are a means of adding depth of meaning, time

and expression, reports Damien Demolder

What’s driving Mr Dazy?

always manage it as well as we’d like.
It is easier to represent a longer
period of time by showing a series of
images. That way we can mix the
broad view with close-up details so
when exhibited together, and
consumed as a single body, they can
work together to form an account
with more twists, turns and intricate
features. A movie does this especially
well – presenting us images at a rate
of 24 per second that feed our
imagination as we develop an idea of
what is going on in the scene. With
a panning camera we can also collect
information about the whole

What’s driving Mr Dazy?

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