Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-03-06)

(Antfer) #1

There are some cameras you need

in your life and the Fuji lm X100V

is one of them, as Michael Topham

explains having purchased his own

Testbench IN THE FIELD

At a glance


● 26.1MP APS-C X-Trans
CMOS 4 sensor
● 23mm f/2.0 lens
● Hybrid viewfinder (OVF &
3.69-million-dot EVF)
● 3in, 1.62-million-dot
two-way tilt touchscreen
● 4K video at 30fps
● Weather-sealed (with
adapter ring)


he best camera is the
one you have with you
is a cliché we’ve all
heard before. As much
as it states the obvious, it does
have relevance in today’s society
where there can be big rewards
for being the  rst person to
record a crisis, extraordinary
event or unexpected moment.
Most of the time these situations
to which I refer are recorded on
smartphones, which can be
pulled from pockets to snap stills
or snippets of video in seconds.
I have nothing against people
using phones to document world
events and daily life, but there’s
part of me that feels like I’m not

taking photography seriously
when I do it. Smartphones will, in
my opinion, always lack the same
creative and inspiring feeling you
get when you lift a view nder to
your eye and operate a camera
with tactile controls at your
Ever since reviewing the Fuji lm
X100V last year I’ve had an itch
I’ve needed to scratch. A practical
pocket compact seemed like it
could be the perfect answer to
get away from using my
smartphone when I don’t have my
DSLR, or small mirrorless camera
to hand. If I needed another
reason, my increased interest in
cycling since lockdown regularly


presents opportunities to get
some great shots at  rst light
and I often pass subjects and
other points of interest that
justify a brief stop for a quick
shot. Neither my DSLR nor
mirrorless camera really cut it for
this purpose unless I carry a
backpack, which I’m not fond of
on long rides or when heading
out for a brisk walk. But
something had to give if I was
serious about the idea of owning
an X100V as I only had £500 to
spend, not a penny more. After
deciding to part with my Fuji lm
X-T10 and XF 23mm F1.4 R (for
which offered me
£520), I had a shortfall of £780



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