Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-03-06)

(Antfer) #1 41

This misty shot through the
trees was captured during
a brief stop cycling the
off-road forest trails at
Bedgebury Forest in Kent
Fujifilm X100V, 1/25sec at f/16, ISO 250

to make up. Browsing Fujilm’s

online shop opened my eyes to

the idea of buying a refurbished

model, which at £999 brought it

within budget. Minutes later I

decided to bite the bullet. One

decision remained. Should I buy

in black or silver?


I was shocked by the interest

photographers expressed in the

X100V when I had been reviewing

it. On one day alone three people

approached me to inquire about

it. At rst I thought it was

because I had one of the rst

production samples in the

country hanging off my shoulder

but soon realised people were
attracted to its retro design and
wanted a closer look. Members
of the public who were less savvy
would pass and say ‘that’s a
lovely-looking camera’ or ask if it
took lm. As much as I adore the
appearance of the X100V in
black and silver, the classic guise
drew more attention than I’d
expected. It was this experience
that led me to my decision to buy
my X100V in black in the hope
people wouldn’t notice it. On the
off-chance they did, I wanted it to
look unassuming to the average
Joe. Was this the right decision?
Well, in the past six months not
one person has approached me

or mentioned the camera. I feel
my decision was denitely the
right one for someone who likes
to go about their photography
quietly and unobtrusively.
A lot has been written about
the X100V so rather than cover
each and every feature, I want to
offer an account of how I’ve found
it, what makes it special and the
areas where there’s still room for
improvement. The rst thing to
say about the X100V, like most of
Fujilm’s cameras for that matter,
is that you immediately sense it
has been designed by
photographers for photographers.
I’ve been fortunate to meet the
designer of Fujilm’s X100-series,

Mr Masazumi Imai, several times
and his enduring passion for
wanting to create a truly special
bond between photographer and
camera has always resonated
with me.

The special feel
The X100V spreads its buttons
and dials intuitively across the
body and its aluminium top and
bottom plates, which have a
lovely crisp edge, give it a
precision-engineered look and
nish. It has an immensely
satisfying feel, though I wouldn’t
class it as a camera that offers a
high level of grip. Within
days of receiving my X100V
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