Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-03-06)

(Antfer) #1 45

publish from the camera’s JPEGs

(most of the images that support

this review are JPEGs), however I

always make a point of shooting

in JPEG+Raw, with the raw acting

like my negative if it’s needed.

Indeed, I’ve been so impressed

by the quality of its output I’m

planning to push it into service

as my second camera for a few

different projects and weddings

later this year.

A masterstroke

If you haven’t worked out by now,

I’m smitten with my X100V. It has

taken up residency on my

sideboard right next to my front

door and I take it everywhere I go

to capture whatever I might

happen to stumble upon. There

aren’t many days that pass when

I don’t use it – something I put

down to its practical size, but

also the sheer enjoyment I get

from using it to document daily

life. There’s more to it than this

though. Since owning the X100V
it has had a huge impact for
re-gaining my interest in
photography. It has an uncanny
way of making me more aware of
what’s around me and lls me
with energy to get out there and
want to take photographs.
To be honest I never thought I’d
fall for a compact with a xed
lens in the way I have with the
X100V. I like the way it
encourages me to move my feet
and think carefully about
composition, plus it improves in
the areas that put me off buying
one before. Fujilm is one of the
best companies when it comes to
listening to the feedback from its
users and the outcome is
cameras like the X100V, which
not only look the part, but are a
delight to use.
Anyone mulling over whether to
buy the X100V or not should take
up the option to try it for free for
48 hours (
As good as this incentive is, just
don’t say I didn’t warn you that
it’ll only make you want to buy
one even more. In summary, I’ve
used few compact cameras that
bestow the same charm and
character as the Fujilm X100V.
It’s a camera worth every penny
in my book and has become a
rm favourite that I can’t
imagine being without.

Vintage subjects can benefit from a hint of
monochrome warming colour and a tweak
to the tone curve Fujifilm X100V, 1/750sec at f/5.6, ISO 80

The X100V’s APS-C sensor
lets you crop in tightly
when it’s required to create
more drama and impact
Fujifilm X100V, 1/220sec at f/4, ISO 1600
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