Crochet World - USA (2018-08)

(Antfer) #1

60 Crochet World CROCHET-WORLD.COM AUGUST 2018

Breezy Blooms Throw
Continued from page 44

Rows 2, 5 & 8
Large Flower 8
Rnd 1: Pagoda
Rnd 2: Robin’s egg
Rnd 3: Pumpkin
Rnd 4: Light country peach
Rnd 5: Blue mint
Rnd 6: Pagoda

Large Flower 9
Rnd 1: Robin’s egg
Rnd 2: Pumpkin
Rnd 3: Blue mint
Rnd 4: Light country peach
Rnd 5: Pagoda
Rnd 6: Robin’s egg

Large Flower 10
Rnd 1: Light country peach
Rnd 2: Pagoda
Rnd 3: Pumpkin
Rnd 4: Blue mint
Rnd 5: Robin’s egg
Rnd 6: Light country peach

Large Flower 11
Rnd 1: Blue mint
Rnd 2: Pumpkin
Rnd 3: Robin’s egg
Rnd 4: Light country peach
Rnd 5: Pagoda
Rnd 6: Blue mint

Large Flower 12
Rnd 1: Light country peach
Rnd 2: Pumpkin
Rnd 3: Blue mint
Rnd 4: Robin’s egg
Rnd 5: Pagoda
Rnd 6: Light country peach

Large Flower 13
Rnd 1: Robin’s egg
Rnd 2: Pagoda

Rnd 3: Light country peach
Rnd 4: Pumpkin
Rnd 5: Blue mint
Rnd 6: Robin’s egg

Large Flower 14
Rnd 1: Pagoda
Rnd 2: Pumpkin
Rnd 3: Light country peach
Rnd 4: Blue mint
Rnd 5: Robin’s egg
Rnd 6: Pagoda

Rows 3 & 6
Large Flower 15
Rnd 1: Blue mint
Rnd 2: Light country peach
Rnd 3: Robin’s egg
Rnd 4: Pumpkin
Rnd 5: Pagoda
Rnd 6: Blue mint

Large Flower 16
Rnd 1: Pumpkin
Rnd 2: Pagoda
Rnd 3: Blue mint
Rnd 4: Light country peach
Rnd 5: Robin’s egg
Rnd 6: Pumpkin

Large Flower 17
Rnd 1: Pagoda
Rnd 2: Robin’s egg
Rnd 3: Light country peach
Rnd 4: Pumpkin
Rnd 5: Blue mint
Rnd 6: Pagoda

Large Flower 18
Rnd 1: Pumpkin
Rnd 2: Light country peach
Rnd 3: Blue mint
Rnd 4: Pagoda
Rnd 5: Robin’s egg
Rnd 6: Pumpkin

Large Flower 19
Rnd 1: Light country peach
Rnd 2: Pumpkin
Rnd 3: Blue mint
Rnd 4: Robin’s egg
Rnd 5: Pagoda
Rnd 6: Light country peach

Large Flower 20
Rnd 1: Robin’s egg
Rnd 2: Pagoda
Rnd 3: Light country peach
Rnd 4: Pumpkin
Rnd 5: Blue mint
Rnd 6: Robin’s egg

Large Flower 21
Rnd 1: Pagoda
Rnd 2: Pumpkin
Rnd 3: Light country peach
Rnd 4: Blue mint
Rnd 5: Robin’s egg
Rnd 6: Pagoda


Rnd 1 (RS): With first color, ch 4,
join (see Pattern Notes) in first ch
to form a ring, ch 2 (see Pattern
Notes), 12 dc in ring, join in first
dc, changing color (see Stitch
Guide) to 2nd color. (12 dc)
Rnd 2: Ch 5 (see Pattern Notes),
[dc in next dc, ch 2] around, join
to 3rd ch of beg ch-5. Fasten off.
(12 dc, 12 ch-2 sps)
Rnd 3: With RS facing, join 3rd
color in any ch-2 sp, ch 3 (see
Pattern Notes), 2 dc in same sp,
3 dc in each ch-2 sp around, join
in top of beg ch-3, changing color
to 4th color. (36 dc)
Rnd 4: Working in back lps (see
Stitch Guide), ch 3, dc in same
st, [sk next st, 2 dc in next st,
ch 4*, 2 dc in next st] around,
ending last rep at *, join in top of
beg ch-3. Fasten off. (24 groups
of 2 dc, 12 ch-4 sps)
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