Crochet World - USA (2018-08)

(Antfer) #1
Row 6 (RS): Replace swan lp on
hook, ch 3 (see Pattern Notes),
[dc in next 5 sc of row 4, sc in cl]
7 times, dc in next 6 sc, turn.
(42 dc, 7 sc)
Rows 7–9: Rep rows 2–4.
Row 10 (WS): Sk 3 sc, cl join
red in next sc, [ch 6, sk 5 sc,
cl] 7 times, leaving rem sts
unworked. Fasten off. (8 cls,
7 ch-6 sps)
Row 11 (RS): Replace swan lp
on hook, ch 3, dc in next 2 sc,
sc in cl, [dc in next 5 sc, sc in cl]
7 times, dc in next 3 sc, turn.
(41 dc, 8 sc)

Rows 12–21: Rep rows 2–11.
Rows 22–26: Ch 1, sc in each sc
across, turn. At end of last row,
change color (see Stitch Guide)
to mint.
Rows 27–33: Ch 1, sc in each sc
across, turn.
Row 34: Ch 1, sk 1 sc, sc in each
st to last 2 sc, sc dec (see Stitch
Guide) in last 2 sts, turn. (47 sc)
Rows 35–37: Rep row 34. At end
of last row, fasten off. (41 sc)

Note: Change color when work-
ing Border to match color change
in row 26.
Rnd 1 (RS): Pull up a lp of
swan at beg of row 1, ch 1, sc
along side edge, evenly placing

37 sc, sc in each sc of row 37,
sc along next side edge, evenly
placing 37 sc. Fasten off. (115 sc)

With Kenai, embroider 4 stars
(see Star Diagram) between rows
25 and 30 of each Side Panel.

Row 1: With mint, ch 32, dc
in 4th ch from hook (3 sk chs
count as dc) and each ch across,
turn. (30 dc)

Polka-Dot Toaster Cover
Star Diagram

62 Crochet World CROCHET-WORLD.COM AUGUST 2018

Gingham Place Mat
& Coaster
Continued from page 28

2nd Option: Following Place-
ment Diagram for place mat and
coaster, with RS of Squares fac-
ing and matching sts, working in
back lp (see Stitch Guide) of sts
with white, sl st in 2nd ch of cor-
ner ch-2 sp, *sl st in each of next
3 dc, sl st in next ch-1 sp, sl st in
each of next 3 dc, sl st in next ch
of corner ch-2 sp**, ch 1 (for cor-
ner fullness) rep from * across,
ending last rep at **. Fasten off.
Sl st all rows tog vertically
first, then sl st all rows tog

Turquoise light
Bright turquoise dark


Gingham Place Mat & Coaster
Place Mat Placement Diagram

Gingham Place Mat & Coaster
Coaster Placement Diagram

color (see Pattern Notes and
Stitch Guide) to red, join (see
Pattern Notes) in first sc, do not
turn. (66 sc)
Rnd 1: Ch 1, sc in first st, ch 1,
sk 1, [sc in next sc, ch 1, sk 1]
32 times, changing color to mint,
join in first sc. (33 sc, 33 ch-1 sps)

Rnd 2: Ch 1, sk first st, [sc in
next ch sp, ch 1] 33 times, join in
first sc.
Rnds 3–30: Rep row 2 in color
sequence of swan, red and mint.
Fasten off red and mint.

Row 1: Flatten tube with WS
tog so that working yarn is at
end of row. Working through

both thicknesses, ch 1, 2 sc in
each ch sp across, turn.
Hanger: Ch 10, sl st in first
sc to form ring, turn, ch 1,
16 sc in ring just made, sl st in
ring. Fasten off. Use tail from
foundation rnd to seam gap at
beg as follows: Working through
both thicknesses, join swan in
end st and sl st in each st across.
Fasten off. CW

Retro Pot Holder Set
Continued from page 32

Polka-Dot Toaster Cover
Continued from page 33

Rnd 1 (RS): Join white in any
corner ch-2 sp, ch 1, *3 sc in cor-
ner ch-2 sp, [sc in each st across
edge of Square, ch 1, sk joining
seam] across, rep from * around,
join in beg sc.

Rnd 2: [Ch 1, sl st in next st]
around outer edge. Fasten off.
Block place mat and coaster to
finished measurements. CW
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