Crochet World - USA (2018-08)

(Antfer) #1

Rows 2–56: Ch 3, dc in each dc
across, turn.


Rnd 1: Ch 1, (sc, ch 1, sc) in first
dc, sc in each dc across to last dc,
(sc, ch 1, sc) in last dc, *sc along

side edge, evenly placing 113
sc**, (sc, ch 1, sc) in unworked
lp of first ch of foundation ch,
sc across to last ch, (sc, ch 1, sc)
in last ch, rep from * to ** once,
join (see Pattern Notes) in first
sc. Fasten off. (290 sc)

With WS tog, join Center Panel to
1 Side Panel as follows: Working
through both thicknesses, attach
Kenai in bottom corner, ch 1, sc in
each sc across. Fasten off. Rep to
join other Side Panel. CW

AUGUST 2018 CROCHET-WORLD.COM Crochet World 63

ch-8 lp, 3 sc in next ch-2 sp, rep
from * around, join in 3rd ch
of beg ch-3. Fasten off. (84 dc,
6 ch-3 sps, 18 sc)

Rnd 11: Join natural in ch-3
sp of leaf, ch 1, (sc, ch 3, sc) in
ch-3 sp of leaf, ch 7, (tr, ch 3,
tr) in 2nd sc of next 3-sc group
between leaves, rep from

around, join in beg sc. (12 sc,
12 tr, 12 ch-3 sps, 12 ch-7 sps)

Rnd 12: Sl st in next ch-3 sp,
ch 1, (sc, ch 3, sc) in same ch-3
sp, (sc, picot, sc) in 4th ch of next
ch-7 sp, ch 3, [sc, ch 3] twice in
next ch-3 sp between tr sts, (sc,
picot, sc) in 4th ch of next ch-7,
ch 3, (sc, ch 3, sc) in next ch-3
sp, (sc, picot, sc) in 4th ch of ch-7
sp, ch 3, (sc, ch 3) twice in ch-3
sp between tr sts, (sc, picot, sc)
in 4th ch of next ch-7 sp, ch 3,
rep from
around, join in beg sc.
Fasten off. (48 sc, 12 picots,
36 ch-3 sps)


Rnds 1–11: Rep rnds 1–11 of
Flower Motif.

Rnd 12: Rep rnd 12 of Flower
Motif, do not fasten off.

Rnd 13: Sl st in next ch-3 sp,
beg V-st (see Special Stitches) in
same ch-3 sp, ch 9, sk next ch-3
sp, picot and next ch-3 sp, *V-st
(see Special Stitches) in next
ch-3 sp, ch 9, sk next ch-3 sp,
picot and next ch-3 sp, rep from

  • around, join in 3rd ch of beg
    ch-6. (12 V-sts, 12 ch-9 sps)

Rnd 14: Sl st in next V-st, ch 1,
(sc, ch 2, keeping next Flower
Motif to right, sl st in next
Flower Motif in ch-3 sp at tip of
leaf on rnd 12, ch 2, sc) in same
ch sp on Center Flower Motif, sc
in next ch-9 sp, (picot, sc) 7 times
in same ch-9 sp, (2 sc, picot, 2 sc)
in next V-st, sc in next ch-9 sp,
(picot, sc) 7 times in same ch-9
sp, *(sc, ch 2, sl st in next Flower
Motif in ch-3 sp at tip of leaf on
rnd 12, ch 2, sc) in same ch sp on
Center Motif, sc in next ch-9 sp,
(picot, sc) 7 times in same ch-9
sp, (2 sc, picot, 2 sc) in next V-st,
sc in next ch-9 sp, (picot, sc)
7 times in same ch-9 sp, rep
from * around, join in beg sc.
Fasten off. (132 sc, 90 picots,
12 ch-2 sps, 6 sl sts)
Rnd 15: Now working on outer
edge of 6 Flower Motifs, join nat-
ural in 7th free ch-3 sp on any
Flower Motif on outer edge, ch 1,
[sc in same ch-3 sp, ch 7, sk next
picot, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 7, sk
next ch-3 sp] 7 times, sc in next
ch-3 sp, ch 7, sk next picot, sc
in next ch-3 sp, ch 7, *in corre-
sponding ch-3 sp on next Motif
[sc in ch-3 sp, ch 7, sk next picot,
sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 7, sk next
ch-3 sp] 7 times, sc in next ch-3
sp, ch 7, sk next picot, sc in next
ch-3 sp, ch 7, rep from * around,
join in beg sc. Fasten off. (96 sc,
96 ch-7 sps)

Make 6.
Row 1: Join brown in 2nd to
last ch-7 sp made on Flower
Motif, ch 1, sc in same ch sp,

working in ch-7 sp between
Flower Motifs (pc, ch 3) 3 times,
pc in ch-7 sp, sc in next ch-7 sp
on next Flower Motif. Fasten off.
(4 pc, 2 sc)
Row 2: Join orange in next ch-7
sp on Flower Motif above where
brown was attached, ch 1, sc in
same ch-7 sp, [5 tr in next ch-3
sp] 3 times, sc in next ch-7 sp on
next free Flower Motif. Fasten
off. (15 tr, 2 sc)
Row 3: Join yellow in next ch-7
sp on Flower Motif above where
orange was attached, ch 1, sc in
same ch-7 sp, [3-tr cl (see Spe-
cial Stitches) in next tr, ch 3, sk
next tr] 7 times, 3-tr cl in next
tr, sc in next free ch-7 sp on next
Flower Motif. Fasten off. (8 3-tr
cls, 7 ch-3 sps, 2 sc)
Rep Rows 1–3 in each ch-7 sp
between Flower Motifs. CW

Sunny Day Sunflowers
Continued from page 48

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