Lesson Two: What Buddhism Is Not

(bhcheah) #1

2.The Light of Buddhism

Buddhism was the first spiritual force, known to
man, which drew together such a large number
of races separated by the most difficult barriers
of distance, by differences of language and
customs by divergent types of civilization.

Its motive was neither in international
commerce nor in empire building. Nor was it in
the urge to occupy fresh territory. It was a
purely selfless effort to help mankind forward
to its final goal

Many famous writers. thinkers, scholars and
philosophers commend highly of Buddhism.

Dr. Edward Conze: All those who dwell in Asia
can take pride in a religion which is not only five
centuries older than that of the West. But has
spread and maintained itself without recourse
to violence and has remained unstained by
religious wars and crusades.

H.G. Wells: Buddhism ·has done more for the
advance of world civilization and true culture
than any other influences on the chronicles of

Albert Einstein: If there is any religion that
would cope with modern scientific needs it
would be Buddhism.

Dr. E. Graham Howe: The light of Bud-dhism is
like that of the sun compared with the
candlelight lit by the apostles of other faiths.

Prof. Karl Jung: As a student of comparative
religions, I believe that Buddhism is the most
perfect one the world has ever seen.

These are only a few of the numerous
quotations made by personalities you might
have come across. Through unbiasedeyes, they
have examined the various religions and found
Buddhism to be unique.

In order that you might discover this great
religion, we will examine what is it NOT! (We
will examine what it is in the third lesson.)

It is/has:-

  • No hidden doctrines.

  • Non-aggressive.

  • Not blind faith.

  • Not idol worshipping or

  • meaningless rituals.

  • Not reciting prayers.

  • Not dogmatic and superstitious.

  • Not pessimistic.

No hidden doctrines

Buddhism has no secret doctrines which are
taught to a selected circle of disciples. The
Buddhist scriptures have no hidden meanings
and can be studied and unambiguously
understood by all.


Coercions, persecutions, or fanaticism play no
part in Buddhism. Throughout the progress of
2,500 years, not a drop of blood had been shed
in the name of the Buddha. No king had ever
propagated the Dhamma with the sword and no
conversions had ever beenmade at the point of

Yet the Buddha was the first and the greatest
missionary that ever lived. Buddhism had
spreadand is spreading _throughout' the world
owi.ng to the intrinsic merit and unsur-passed
beauty of its teachings.

The Buddha discouraged aggression and the
conquest of others, even if it is for spreading
the religion.
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