(DecastroJulius) #1

touched haha. I was speechless. He walked away and told me to be ready for what would I

The potion was on ease through that night. So I slept well. Next morning, I saw my muscles
grown out and my body was so well. I tried to test my strength through lifting my bed. I was
surprised I could lift it with only a single finger. I tried to put on my clothes but they were shorter
because my body became bigger so I put on my dad’s. My family was also surprised too until we
got used into it.

One night,the three guys who beat me down tried to beat a little lad. I didn’t like the feeling of
being beaten so I decided to save the lad.I covered the lad and when they hit me, It felt like they’d
just touched me. I grabbed their shirts and threw them elsewhere. I frightened them so they ran.

I haven’t seen my friend since he stabbed me with the syringe. I didn’t know how to make him
pop in for I to thank him. Two soldadons came into our house. They told me that the dominus
wanted to meet me. I was sent in the equaint hall. I saw the lad I saved inside the equaint hall.
The dominus said to me that the strength I possess that I could throw people elsewhere was used
to save people and the strength I have was not the strength anyone could have without potions.
So he asked me who made the potion. I told him that my friend was the one who made it. The
dominus ordered his soldadons to look for that friend of mine. When they found him , they took
him inside the hall. That moron smiled at me despite of being gone for days. The dominus asked
him how’d he do the potion and he answered “I just did.”The dominus liked his answer. The
dominus decided to quorate us that night because he was impressed. You might ask why did the
dominus quorated me as well even it was not me who made the potion. That friend of mine asked
the dominus to quorate me too because I helped him finding the elements he needed for the
potion. The dominus was too impressed to refuse.

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