(DecastroJulius) #1


Before proceeding to the equaint hall for the quoration, the dominus paid a visit to the
bleeding man Aestel attacked.

“How are you?” The dominus asked the man but the man still couldn’t speak because of his

“You are the son of the gone dominus. I know your name. It is Lohevan Vaerankete. You have
‘van’ in your name because I was there when your mother gave you birth and your father named
you with a part of my name. The people hated your father because he left the great house for a
long period of time under his regime as the the dominus of the great house. I helped him finding
a place for your birth. You were born inside my house in our fort. I should have been killed by the
people for helping your family. I know you have not met him ever since right? But I can tell you a
thing. Your father was the best dominus I’ve ever seen. When he was the man of the domian, He
made me his 1st heirenead. I was one of his greatest friends. I was there when he helped a lot of
people who needed help. I was there when he was recognized as the most magnificent heiren of
the great house and I was there when people chased him to death.

“I will lure them” he said to me. “Take my son to the east and his mother to the west of the
terra. Dye their hairs in the color of the sun and keep them safe. I owe you a debt Gyvan. I will
pay that”. Those were the last words I have heard from him. Now that I have you, I will protect
you until the debt is paid.

I will tell the people of the terra that you will become one of our slaves. If not, they would want
you killed. Trust me Lohevan, I will protect you.”

The dominus left Lohevan’s chamber and made his way for the quoration in the equaint hall.

“Open the doors!”


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