(DecastroJulius) #1


The soldadons opened the door of the equaint hall for the ceremony. The people of
Floustorein came in followed by the arrival of the 35 heireneads.

While the musicians of the great house play the Heirian Hymn ,the 35 heireneads entered the
hall with their basil green cloaks and suits and specially with their golden ties. The certifications
that you are a man of the Great House. They walked the carpet and went into their respective
seats surrounding the domian. The bells rang as the sign of arrival of the dominus. He was
protected by the soldadons. He was wearing his dominion basil green cloak and the golds.
Everyone took their seats as the dominus took his.

You couldn’t get your eyes off the blues. The family of Aestel were all in their colour which is
navy blue. Brandon Lenwall, Lesly Lenwall, their youngest son Reinial Lenwall and Aestel Lenwall
stood up. Aestel went on the front of the domian and bent his knee to the dominus for the

“Aestel Lenwall,If you were to be asked,who would you like to quorate you?”The dominus asked

“ I would like to be quorated by you , Dominus Gyvan Atoristel ” Aestel answered

The dominus stood up from the domian.and said these words “When I was a young man, I
wished to be an heiren. What should a person do to become one of the heiren of this great
house?He should do things that could help the terra. He couldn’t be quorated if he has no such
wisdom to do things like saving other people’s lives.I worked hard to be an heiren. I made potions
and experiments. I saved people from harm through wisdom. I didn’t pay for my quoration and
especially, I put no person’s life just for my quoration.”

The Lenwalls went curious about what the dominus said.

“I will not quorate you Aestel. That is not a part of our negiotation. Perhaps, I am asking the 34th
heirenead to quorate you”

Aestel and the Lenwalls were shocked becuase of the dominus’ decision.

“Why would you have me quorated by the second least heirenead?!”Aestel shouted to the
dominus. The dominus kept still and didn’t listen to Aestel.The 34th heirenead came down from
his seat to quorate Aestel. he people murmured and the Lenwalls were completely disappointed
because their son would be quorated by a low-ranked heirenead. Aestel couldn’t do nothing but
to disagree and speak his disagreement. The Lenwalls were sad and Brandon went out the
halleven thought the ceremony was still on going. The dominus was upset on Brandon’s
disrespectful act. He ordered the 34th heirenead to get back on his seat and the least heirenead
will quorate Aestel. The heart of Aestel was broken. The Lenwalls were too upset. They had
nothing to do but to accept the decision of the dominus.

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