(DecastroJulius) #1


“The dominus has something to tell!” One of the house soldadons shouted. The Lenwalls and
the and the crowd paid their attention to the dominus.

“Aestel Lenwall is now a certified heiren and he will be protected by the house. Least
heirenhead qourated him to serve the house through wisdom and honor. Aestel brought a man
named Lohevan Vaerankete. The son of the nowhere and gone dominus. I want to tell you that on
this day onwards, Lohevan Vaerankete will serve the house as a slave”

The people of the house didn’t like the decision of the dominus.So they shouted disagreement
against Dominus Gyvan but the dominus was certain of his decision and no one could change his

Brandon Lenwall who walked out the hall heard the dominus from outside. He wasn’t
delighted with the dominus’ decision about Lohevan. The people continued to complain that is
why the dominus had the house soldadons to push the crowd out of the hall.

The soldadons put on their shields and spears. They started to march the crowd towards the
doors .The crowd was still complaining disagreement. Some of them threw some things to the
soldadons.You couldn’t see the ground because the crowd and the soldadons. The Lenwalls
remained silent but the disappointment was there in their faces.

Brandon Lenwall re-entered the hall. He shoved and bumped everyone on his way. He walked
towards the dominus and said these words in the ears of the dominus, “You cannot fight the
people”. Brandon grabbed his son Aestel and left the hall with all the Lenwalls.

The threat of Brandon to the dominus lead to a fear. The domius immediately ordered the
other soldadons to guard the chamber of Lohevan.

Next day, Aestel came into the house with his golden tie. He made his acquaintance with the
other heirens. Aestel was well known as the son of Brandon Lenwall; The strongest Heiren. So it
was easy for him to make friends.

The house had different colors because the Heirens were from different colors. But in time of
Gvyan, The house was filled with Heirens in basil green suit. Because the Atoristles’ colour is basil

When Aestel entered the house as an Heiren, he made a lot of friends and influenced other
heirens, The house became blue. He gathered a lot of heirens and told them, “I might be new in
your eyes, but I am sure that you have already heared of my name. I am Aestel Lenwall,I am the
son of the strongest heiren , Brandon Lenwall. I was young when my father told me that everyone
who wears blue suit is my man.He told me that men in blue suits are my allies. They will serve me
and in exchange, my father will benefit them and protect them from harm. He told me a story.

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