(DecastroJulius) #1

There was once an old man wearing blue suit. The old man was walking on a street when the men
wearing blacks attacked him. As I said, the old man was wearing a blue suit. He was saved by the
men of Lenwalls, You know why? Because he wore blues, and now here I am asking anybody who
wants to wear blues to raise their hands”.

The heirens were bit confused, but they were satisfied about the benefits and protection that
they would receive from the Lenwalls if they’d wear blues.

One of the heirens raised his hand. Followed by the other heirens. Aestel almost recruited the
whole house. He wrote a letter to his father and told him that he recruited a lot of heirens inside
the house. Brandon was happy when he read the letter. He wrote back to Aestel and told him to
invite the heirens to a ball that the Lenwalls would host.

Aestel was so excited so that he invited the heirens he recruited to the said nightball.

The night ball started, Brandon ordered the soldadons of blues to ready the blue suits that
would be given to the new recruited heirens .The Lenwalls decorated their fort with fine things
that colors were blue.

In the lead of Aestel, the new recruited heirens entered the house of blues. They were amazed
by the setting. Chandeliers, blue carpets, blue- colored tables and a lot of foods. They were guided
by the soldadons of blues in their respective seats.

The Lenwalls arrived in the hall, sat on their seats and Brandon started the ceremony.


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