(DecastroJulius) #1


One day, Dominus Gyvan again spent Lohevan a visit in his chamber. He opened the door and
saw Lohevan sitting on his bed and staring at the window. Lohevan didn’t pay respect even
though he knew that the dominus had entered the chamber. The dominus sat by the side of
Lohevan and told him ,

“ You’re free to get out of your chamber Lohevan, you’re a man now. You do not have to burden
your father’s reputations. We know that the people of Floustorein are aiming for your death. Do
not get surprised when someone is trying to kill you. Why? Because you’re the son of the gone
dominus. They do not want you to live because they think you father made his way of his own and
forgot his people and the terra. Do you know Lohevan? It is not easy being a dominus. Yes it is a
thing to be proud of because it is a recognition or a certification that you spent a lot of years and a
lot of acts that saved your terra through wisdom. If you want to be the dominus of Floustorein,
you have to be a person. Wear black suits, think , read the Floustorian books in the Floustorian
Library. You have to make experiments and potions that can help your terra. You have to be
quorated by the dominus or by the heireneads. You have to become an heirenead. And if the
dominus dies and you are at the position as first heirenead , be ready for your enthronement.
Guess what, your father didn’t have to do so. He is the only man who became dominus without
being an heirenead. By the time Dominus Caasi knew that he has a severe disease tha could lead
him to death , He enthroned yourfather right away. He was a great admirer of your father’s work.
The people accepted the decision of Dominus Caasi and they were happy because your father
became the dominus of Floustorein because he’s known for his magnificent potions. But still, we
could get the people off their hatred feelings for your father because of his untimely departure.
And those feelings of them could harm you if you’re not going to take care of yourself. So get out
and show them that you’re better than your father and show them you are not who they think you
are.Get out Lohevan, you are under my protecrtion and I’ve told them that you will be one of the
slaves of this great house. I know that you know that the slaves of this house are the persons who
commited crimes. Forgive me but this is the only way to protect you. Don’t worry Lohevan, I am
not going to treat you like a slave.” The dominus stood up and went off the chamber and heard no
words from Lohevan.

The ceremony for the night ball that took place on the Blue fort started as Brandon Lenwall
stood up and gave his opening remarks for the guests.

“Fort Lenwall is the most prominent fort in this terra due to its drastic protection and benefits
for it’s people. I, Brandon Lenwall , started to acquire men since the death of Dominus Caasi. I
witnessed murder of an innocent man. I didn’t like that scene and I dont want it to happen again.I
started acquiring met at this fort. Formerly known as the Land of Soldiers because this land was
the quarter area of the soldiers of the very first dominus , Dominus Arthur The Great. My
grandfather was one of his soldadons commander, Captain Eric Lenwall, the very first Lenwall to
serve the Great House. Because of the loyalty and great serviceof my grandfather, a lot of people

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