(DecastroJulius) #1

admired the Lenwalls. My father , Bren Lenwall. The highest ranked General under the late
regime of Dominus Arthut and early reign of Dominus Caasi died in the Jarden war.The Great
House honoured my father for his services and sacrifices for the this terra. Now here I am. Hoping
to continue the Legacy of the Lenwalls. I have thousands of men in my fort.Secured,protected and
benefited. No man who wears blue has been killed o died in hunger. If you dont want to die in the
hands of your enemy, fall in line and get your blue suits to be certified as a man of Lenwalls.”

The guests heirens from the Great House who were invited by Aestel were satisfied about the
benefits they would get. They stood up and fell in line and wore their new blue suits.

After wearing their new blue suits,Brandon Lenwall stood up in front of them and told them to
swear the maxim of the Fort Lenwall.

“Sea and sky , Thy hues are blue. What lies in between must be colored in blue”

“ You have sworn the blues. You have been certified as men of Lenwalls. You are going to be
protected and benefited by this fort from now on. Heirens in blues , Is it your will to be with us
whatever it takes!? ”

“ Yes it is! ” the new recruited heirens answered with their strongest voices and celebrated the
whole night.

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