(DecastroJulius) #1


Aestel and his cronies went back to the great house wearing their new blue suits with their
golden ties.Everyone in the great house looked at them and cannot believe how many heirens
have followed the blues known as the Lenwalls.By the time Dominus Gyvan saw the them, he
became afraid of what could happen. He didn’t have the rights to dictate the heirens on what
color should they wear as long as they are wearing the golds. What are those golds? Those are the
certification that you are a quorated heiren of the great house, meaning you have the rights to do
magical acts within the terra. And those golds could be golden shoes, golden bands and mostly ,
those golds are pins and ties.

Lohevan prepared himself to get out of his chamber and serve the heirens of the great house as
a slave. He put on white clothes, the cloth color of the slaves. Lohevan had his hands shaking as
he was opening the doors of his chamber. When he got out, everything was on him. Every single
eye was loking at him. Lohevan was embarrassed and frightened, but he chose to continue
walking because he trusted Dominus Gyvan. As he was walking to find the slaves room, one of the
great house soldadons noticed him and helped him on his way. When he got there, he was put in
chain. Slaves should be in chain because they are criminals. The soldadons started yelling at the
slaves for them to fall in line to do their work. They came to the source room of the great house.
The soldadons gave each slave a behest from the heirens of the great house. The behest given to
Lohevan was the behest of the 35th heirenead,Heirenead Leschar Dawrin. Heirenead Dawrin’s
behest was a cup of tea.

Lohevan made the tea Heirenead Dawrin ordered. He went off the source room and walked
the halls towards the chamer of Heirend Dawrin. Again, everyone was looking and murmuring
over and behind. Lohevan continued walking with embarrassment. He reached his
destination.Lohevan knocked at the door of Heirenead Dawrin.

“ My behest is being granted unbelievably ” Heirenead Dawrin said when he opened the door
and saw Loehvan. “The son of the gone” he added. Lohevan nodded and didn’t speak even a
single word as he hands the tea to the heirenead. Dawrin was staring at Lohevan as he was
receiving his behest with like an insulting act.

On his way back to the source room to get another behest, Aestel saw him and came nearby to
state shameful words against him.

“ My fellow heirens , here we are gathered for an immaculate sightseeing! I, Aestel
Lenwall,proudly presenting to you , The Son of the gone Dominus! Two young men could’ve been
killed by this rascal If didn’t catch him. Then here he is! Living inside this great house! This man
should die, shouldn’t he? “ the crowd agreed and yelled upon Lohevan.

The dominus came into the scene and ordered every heiren to get out of the way and he took
Lohevan with him because he was surprised seeing Lohevan off his chamber.

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