(DecastroJulius) #1

Dominus Gyvan asked Lohevan to walk with him that made Aestel jealous.

“ I am so happy to see you outta here Lohevan. It is your first time in this house, isn’t? Your father
used to live here for years. He built a lot of structures and pavements for this house. I think if he’s
still here, this great house would be twice greater than it is now. One of his bests projects in this
great house is the doctors’ edifice. Come with me there? I will ask them to check your injury so I
can finally hear the voice of yours. “ Dominus Gyvan went to the doctors’ edifice with Lohevan

Aestel called his cronies for a meeting. He decided to make a plan for Lohevan. Simply an
ambush. He gathered his friends in an empty room and told them his plan;

“ My cronies, If I may ask you a favor, would you do it for me? Remember, “ Follow Lenwalls to
gain honour”. Those who want to join me with this plan, please stand” All of his cronies stand
and supported Aestel on his plan.

“ That little rascal shall not live here in this great house. We need to make a way to kick him out
of this house. I’m going to drink a dupe potion to copy the looks of Lohevan. Then tomorrow, at
first light, Lohevan will go to the source room and while he’s busy working, We’re going to
execute the plan. Form a group at the eastern part of the Procyon Hall. Then I will go there as
Lohevan. Im gonna get the attention of the soldadons in that hall. And when I got their eyes, I am
going to bump in the group you formed. This, this is the most important thing, DO NOT FIGHT
BACK! I am going to hurt you. Sorry but we need that to make it believable. The soldadons will
try to quell the scene and when that happens, I am going to run towards the source room and
there, they will bearresting the real Lohevan. Is that clear?”

Aestel was very excited for his plan. He drank the dupe potion , the potion that can turn your
looks into someone’s. He sneaked to get in the slaves room to get a pair of their clothes.

The first light had come. Lohevan went to the source roomto do his work as a slave. The
cronies of Aestel went to the Procyon Hall, the hall where the hall where heirens spent their
leisure time. They formed a group and talked about anything else as they were not having a plan
execution. Aestel was ready and he looked in the mirror. Do you know what he saw? He saw the
face and physical looks of Lohevan. He ran quickly into the Procyon Hall and saw the group of his
cronies. He ran and ran all around the hall to get the attention of the soldadons. When he got
their eyes,he ran and bumped to the group formed by his cronies in blue suits. The group was
rambled. The cronies of Aestel must be around of his age right? Guess what happened. They
turned into old men. The face of the man Aestel bumped over turned into the face of the
Dominus. The dominus touched Aestel. The effect of the dupe potion he drank faded out and his
face turned back to it’s normal looks.

“ Aestel, If you’re going to drink a potion, spend more time to study how it works. Dupe potion is
a potion invented by the gone dominus. The effect of the dupe potion will fade out when two
persons who took it touches each other. I am Dominus Gyvan. I was told of this plan of yours so I
decided to join. Sorry for not asking your permission. I know you haven’t forget what happened

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