(DecastroJulius) #1

yesterday. When I told everyone to get into their respective rooms, I saw your eyes looking at
Lohevan being with me. I know you’re jealous because he is just a slave and I treat him better
than how I treat you. I walked Lohevan around this house and I lead him to the doctors’ edifice to
treat the injury you made. While the doctors are treating his injury, I poured myself a drop of the
dupe potion to check what jealousy could lead you to. I desired to copy the looks of one of your
cronies so I could reach you. I was there in that empty room. I am one of those who stood up
when you asked “Those who want to join me with this plan, please stand”. You’re not as smart as
you think you are Aestel. Use your mind to express your feelings.”

The soldadons of the great house captured the scene of how Aestel bumped into the dominus.
They put Aestel in chains and ordered to be put on a cell along with his cronies by the Dominus
for planning such an evil plan.

The news reached out Brandon Lenwall. He didn’t like the news. He came to great house with
his men and wagons to talk to the dominus about Aestel.

“ I will give this house a lot of essentials and goods the time you free my son Aestel.” Brandon told
the dominus as he entered the equaint hall.

“ It is not a kidnap for ransom Brandon. Your child attempted do evil things. Punishment is the
only ransom for that. I am not a business man and I have no time for negotiation Brandon.”
Dominus Gyvan answered

“ Free my son and there will be no circumstances to face for the next days” Brandon again told the

Through head movement, Dominus Gyvan rejected Brandon’s offer. Brandon wasn’t satisfied
for the dominus’s decision. He walked out of the hall with no answer.

Dominus Gyvan was the only man left in
the equaint hall. He decided to get out of
the hall to check Lohevan’s situation.

On his way out, the dominus opened the
doors of the equaint hall. Do you know
what he saw?

Murdered bodies of his soldadons.

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