(DecastroJulius) #1


2020, Corona virus hit the whole world and forced the people to stay inside their homes. The
pandemic showed us the things we haven’t seen yet. One of those things is the family. How
important the family is. I was too busy living my life as a person. Not a brother, not a son , not a
nephew and not a grandson. We were locked down. There was no other choice but to live
together inside the house. It lasted almost a year. That year told me how wavy life is. Sometimes
we’re happy and sometimes we’re sad. We have experienced a lot of different family situations
because of the pandemic. Not typically nor normally. I’ve also seen and came through a lot of
different problems. Financial problems, health problems and more. I had no choice but to come
through all of those problems. So this idea acted as the answer for all of the problems I had. This
is the way for me to express my thoughts, ideas, and feelings for that certain matter.

Floustorein is a made up or a fictional land formed inside my mind. In that land live the
humans with magnificent minds doing potions to possess extra ordinary abilities. Most of them
came from noble families. I call them ‘Heirens’, the word that came into my mind when I was
thinking about a word to call them with. Without further ado, Let us know what’s within the land
of heirens.

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