(DecastroJulius) #1


“Are you two lost?“

Aestel was walking on an empty street.He saw a man with black hair standing in front of other
two men.The man in black was talking with the two other men who seemed hurt.Aestel thought
that the man in black was assaulting them so he decided to do a rescue. He flew immediately off
the ground and went quickly to the man.He flew as fast as he could and attacked his target which
is the standing man.He punched and gave the man injuries through the powers he had.The nose
of the man bled.He was trying to say something to Aestel but Aestel didn’t give him a second as a
chance to speak.The bleeding didn’t have the chance to fight because Aestel was so fast.Aestel
stabbed the man and the man fell on the ground.Aestel asked the other two men to get in his
car.Aestel thought the man would bleed to death so he decided to leave him.While Aestel was
walking into his car,something crackled.The bleeding man tried to stand up and fly but he
couldn’t.He’d lost his strength in Aestel’s hands.Aestel hit the bleeding man again and brought
him into his car alongwith the two other men.

“Say Goodbye” Aestel told the bleeding man.Aestel drove his car to the Great House and
demanded a meeting in the equaint hall,the hall where ceremonies happen. The soldadons let
Aestel and the other three men to enter the hall and sent the request of Aestel to whom it
supposed to be sent.

The doors of the hall opened slowly. 24 fine men entered the hall with their basil green cloaks,
basil green suits and their golden ties. They went on their 24 seats surrounding the domian ,the
seat where the dominus sit and waited for the dominus before they took their seats. The dominus
entered the hall protected by the soldadons. He walked the carpet and sat on the domain followed
by the entrance of the people of the Floustorein.

The dominus and the heireneads on their seats

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