(DecastroJulius) #1

Everyone was in to start the meeting , One of the authorized persons of the Great House asked
Aestel to state his case.

“We all know that this terra once had a dominus that was gone and never been found.But
now,people of Floustorein,I proudly present to you,the son of the gone dominus!”

Everyone was shocked.The people murmured while the dominus wasn’t sure of what was

“If so,We shall sentence him to death”one of the heireneads said.

The other 34 heireneads agreed but the dominus condemned.

”The gone dominus was well known because of his kind.This child might be like him.We shall
keep him so we could use him in times of needs.”the dominus said

“This terra hated the father of this man.We cannot let him live.He might avenge his father that
could put our people in danger.We must kill him!”Aestel answered.

The crowd shouted approval but the dominus was still and couldn’t be convinced.The dominus
commanded his soldadons to take the bleeding man and put him in a chamber.Aestel pointed a
knife in the neck of the bleeding man and said “If you wont kill him,I will”.The dominus answered
immediately,”If you kill him,youre like on a suicidal state.”Aestel thought of something.He
negotiated with the dominus.

“I will set this man free...but swear it that you will quorate me as one of the heirens of the Great

The dominus didn’t hesitate to think of an answer. He said on
ease that he will quorate Aestel if he would set the son of the
gone dominus free and surrender him to the house.

The soldadons put the bleeding man in a chamber. The
man was trying to say something but he couldn’t because of
his injuries. The soldadons stood by the door of his chamber
while the other servants of the house give him what he
needed. The dominus and the people were left in the equaint
hall with Aestel. The dominus told everyone that the quoration
of Aestel would happen next that day.

Aestel drove his car home and gladly told his family that
he would become an heiren. His father, Brandon Lenwall was
so happy and hugged him with regards. Aestel told everyone Aestel Lenwall

about his quoration day. He invited his cronies and everyone
that could come.

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