N-Photo - The Nikon Magazine - USA (2019-07)

(Antfer) #1

Do you get photographic
inspiration from other cookbooks?
Not really. I think my inspiration
comes more from Pinterest and
Instagram. I use them quite a lot.
Sometimes, I will have a picture in
mind and do the whole set and get
everything setup. For instance, my
original image of poached pears is
without anyone in it, that’s a pear in a
dish on its own. With the blog, I like to
have different angles and different
positions, and once I’ve got my
actual picture I’ll just play around

  • so there’s pouring shots of the
    pear, then it’s cutting shots and
    sometimes my best pictures will
    come from that, just having fun.

There seems to be two main types
of images: looking from above and
from the sides. Is there a specific
reason for this?

The top-down shots are very popular
for food photography. They are not
my favourite form of styling. I prefer
a shallow depth of field to my
pictures – for a top-down
photograph you need to have the
whole image in focus. It is a different
styling technique. I will use that a lot
for the recipe books I shoot for my
US publishers, because that’s a style
they like. It’s also a preferred style on
Instagram. It’s easier to look at

because it’s quicker to look at a
picture that’s taken from above.
I prefer to do more straight-on work,
because I like how the shallow depth
of field looks.

Are there other angles you
try to include in a shoot?
I like to have people in the picture as
well. You get a warmer approach and
more welcoming feel from that.
Another popular angle is the three-
quarter angle, so imagine you’re
walking towards a table and you’re
looking down as if you’re about to sit
down. It’s a very natural approach
when looking at a picture. That’s
really nice for dishes that have a
lot of interest at the top and on
the side of the dish as well.

Which lenses do you prefer to
work with mostly?

Above: Citrus
slices, an exercise
in playing with
vertical lines,
circles and

Camera: Nikon D850
Lens: 24-70mm f/2.8
Exposure: 1/100 sec,
f/5, ISO1000





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