(Mansi) #1

Something's moving behind me. Who's that?

There's no one, but I felt something, someone was there.

I should go and sneak a peak behind the sofa, I must look.

No I can't, I can't look beast in the eyes, I can't go looking for
the beast, I must wait here. I must.

It's been two days and I'm still sitting here, holding a kitchen
knife, I haven't slept in five days and my back is stiff, my eyes
hurt and my mind is going blank but it hasn't come out yet.
There's probably nothing, I'm being paranoid.

But I can feel it. I can't deny this so obvious felling of being
surrounded, surrounded by something other than these walls
and furniture and just air. There's something else, something
more intense, something more dense.

I'm sure there's something behind that sofa, it's quiet but it's
there. The sofa I used to spend sleepless nights on, the sofa I
first kissed my long time crush on......the crush who became
my life partner and then was murdered on that same sofa.
Cops haven't caught them yet and I haven't cleaned the

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