(Mansi) #1

"I'll call room service to get it cleaned." Zoya's response
erased the lines of tension from both of theirs faces.

"Yeah that would be a good choice. Better than mine." The
man said looking around the room, his short frame and
charming smile giving hysterical vibes.

"What? What would you have done?" Zoya asked dialling the
number on the room phone.

"Nothing, not that I had anything in mind and definitely not
flooding it off the room with water." Pauley patted his
forehead and started moving foot to foot. Zoya just ignored
him and called the house help.

"So you are going to be staying here too?" Zoya asked Pauley
who was randomly standing on the doorway sometime trying
to crack his knuckles which didn't happen and he gave up
after a minute or so and sometimes just stared at his balding
round head in the doorknob.

"No I won't stay here, I'll find another place outside. I'm with
Jim. The kid doesn't go anywhere without me. I'm kind of his
second mother, first is Mrs. Floyd." Pauley smiled his all teeth

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