(Mansi) #1

That's the thing about this city, you never know when it will
start raining. Carry your umbrella all the time, one extra
jacket and of course the shoes with better grip than I'm
wearing right now.

Every step feels like the last step before slipping off into the
pool of embarrassment in front my colleagues I left behind,
waiting in the shade of garage.

I'm sure they can still see me. Too eager to beat the heavy
rain and get home before roads flood with enough water to
drown me half, I left as fast as possible but now all that is a
part of regret.

Good thing, I learnt the lesson for next time.

There's not a single soul in sight, should I head back. No, that
would be too embarrassing. Keep moving Iana either you are
too smart or too dumb, we'll never know. Just keep moving.

Water is almost to my knees and it's absolute opaque
composition is freaking me out probably more than Bruce
Banner when he couldn't change into the Hulk.

I know these roads so there is no worry of falling into a pit or
twisting ankle on a random bump but the scarcity of any

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