(Mansi) #1

Wait, I recognize her. 'Shefali'.

'You made it back. Nice to meet you. Keep moving along the
bars and go down the stairs. You are here.'

'I will. Thank you Shefali.'

And here I go down the bar stairs which I assumed to be floor
made of bars.

They clearly did pretty good job with the house. Now I can
see how far down I have to go through these spiral stairs.

Moving down I can't ignore the kids studying in separate
rooms along the way.

As I climbed down the last stair of the last floor my eyes
caught the sight of Minho. I just have to go and hug him. It
would be weird cause he don't remember me, my friend lost
his memory fighting for humanity.

'Minho so nice to meet you.' I should keep moving he looks
so confused but I'm not worried neither sad. We can become
friends all over again.

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