The Economist - UK (2019-06-29)

(Antfer) #1

32 Europe The EconomistJune 29th 2019


n 1907 ananxious Austrian, Emil Reich,
predicted that Germany would have a
population of 150m in 1980 and as many as
200m by the year 2000. It seemed plausible
at the time. Germany had a high birth rate
and a falling mortality rate. Reich’s predic-
tion, in his book “Germany’s Swelled
Head”, turned out to be completely wrong.
By the early 1980s East and West Germany
had a combined fertility rate lower than
anywhere in the world except Denmark
and the Channel Islands. Far from explod-
ing, Germany’s population seemed
doomed to rapid decline.
But in the past few years something un-
expected has happened. The fertility rate,
an estimate of the number of children each
woman can expect to have in her lifetime,
has climbed off the floor. Between 2006
and 2017 it rose from 1.33 to 1.57. The rate for
2018 has not yet been worked out, but more
babies were born that year than in 2017.
Germany’s fertility rate has pulled away
from Italy’s and Spain’s (see chart) and is
now almost identical to the euro-area aver-
age. On June 17th the unestimated that in
2050 Germany will have 58 people over the
age of 65 for every 100 people aged 20-64.
That is a lot, but comfortably less than Ita-
ly’s predicted ratio of 74 to 100.
What has happened? It is partly a statis-
tical quirk. The fertility rate is influenced
by the timing of childbirth. If women move
en masse to have children at older ages, the
rate will fall, then rise again as the average
age of childbearing stabilises. This has
happened in Germany and other rich coun-
tries. But it does not explain the whole rise
in the fertility rate. German women born in
1973 (who can be assumed to be done with
babies by now) have more children than
women born in 1968.
Another explanation is immigration.
Germany has not only accepted a lot of peo-
ple in the past decade—it has taken them
from countries where large families are the
norm. In 2017 Syrian women in Germany
had 20,100 babies, up from just 2,300 three
years earlier. Afghans and Iraqis had more
than 5,000 each. Tomas Sobotka, a re-
searcher at the Vienna Institute of Demog-
raphy, estimates that about half the rise of
Germany’s fertility rate in the past few
years is explained by immigration.
That boost will not last, because immi-
grants adjust quickly to native ways. Mona
Shinar, a Palestinian woman in her
mid-30s who fled Damascus for Potsdam,

near Berlin, comes from an enormous fam-
ily. Before Syria’s civil war began, she had 12
brothers and sisters. She already has four
children, including one who was born just
two days after she arrived in Germany. She
believes her children will have no more
than one or two babies each. She has “an Ar-
abic head”, as she puts it. Her children have
German heads.
The other explanation for the baby
boomlet is that Germany has made it easier
to raise children. What crushes birth rates,
whether in Europe or East Asia, is opening
higher education and attractive jobs to
women while continuing to expect moth-
ers to do the great majority of child care and
housework. If a society forces women to

choose between jobs and motherhood,
many will keep working. Western Germany
has a tradition of stigmatising working
mothers, and a special slur for them: Ra-
benmutter(“raven mother”).
This is gradually changing. In 2007 Ger-
many’s federal government introduced
generous parental-leave laws and tweaked
the rules to encourage fathers to take time
off. In 2013 it declared that children over
one year old had a right to nursery places.
Although there are still not enough places
to meet demand, supply is growing. Be-
tween 2006 and 2017 the number of chil-
dren under three enrolled in nurseries rose
from 286,000 to 762,000.
Unlike those in France, Scandinavia and
eastern Europe, German politicians sel-
dom talk explicitly about boosting the
birth rate—probably because the Nazis did.
Instead they talk about empowering wom-
en. Still, their policies seem to promote fe-
cundity. Lena Reibstein of the Berlin Insti-
tute for Population and Development says
they could do more if they changed the tax
system. At present married couples are al-
lowed to file joint income-tax returns. This
encourages mothers to stay at home by re-
ducing their husbands’ tax bills if they do.
Compare all that to the situation in Ita-
ly. It has immigrants too—but many come
from low-fertility countries like Romania
and Albania. Its economy has stagnated,
which puts people off having children. And
Italian politicians have no idea how to raise
the birth rate. Three years ago the govern-
ment ran an advertising campaign inform-
ing women that their biological clocks
were ticking, as though this had not oc-
curred to them. The campaign was with-
drawn amid heckling. Italy is now the
world’s second-oldest country, after Japan.
And the truth is, says Maria Letizia Tan-
turri, a demographer at the University of
Padova, that “people don’t care”.^7

Why Germany’s birth rate is pulling away from Italy’s


A baby boomlet

Achtung baby

Sources:Eurostat;Istat *Birthsperwoman

Total fertility rate*







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