The Economist - UK (2019-06-29)

(Antfer) #1

78 Science & technology The EconomistJune 29th 2019


teady improvementsin battery tech-
nology, driven along by the electrifica-
tion of road transport, are helping air taxis
and other small electric aircraft get air-
borne. But even the best lithium-ion cells
are still far from being able to power the
workhorses of civil aviation: short-haul
airliners carrying 150 or so passengers. An
electric version would not be able to rise
from the ground, because of the weight of
the batteries required to drive its engines.
Nevertheless, many aerospace experts con-
tinue to think that electric flight is the fu-
ture, at least in hybrid form.
This could be achieved by starting with
smaller hybrid airliners, such as those car-
rying 50 or so passengers on regional
routes, and then scaling the technology up.
Details of one such effort, called Project
804, illustrate how the airborne equivalent
of a hybrid Toyota Prius might work.
As the crow flies, 804 is the distance in
miles (1,294km) between a Pratt & Whitney
facility in Montreal, Quebec, and a Collins
Aerospace centre in Rockford, Illinois.
That the two firms are both parts of United
Technologies Corp (utc), which hopes to
merge with Raytheon to form America’s
second-biggest aerospace and defence
company after Boeing, suggests that the
idea is more than a flight of fantasy. Indeed,
the experimental hybrid which Project 804
plans to fly in 2022 could slash fuel costs on
regional routes.

Charged with potential
As with cars, there are different ways to
build a hybrid plane. Collins, which makes
aircraft electrical systems, and Pratt &
Whitney, which produces jet engines, have
chosen a “parallel” hybrid. That means it
will use a combustion engine augmented
by a battery-powered electric motor, as op-
posed to a “serial” hybrid in which propul-
sion is provided purely by an electric mo-
tor, but with the electricity for this motor
either drawn from a battery or produced by
a combustion engine running a generator,
depending on the circumstances. Both
sorts of hybrid limit use of the batteries,
meaning the battery packs can be smaller
and thus lighter.
For its flight tests, Project 804 is con-
verting a Bombardier Dash 8-100, a 40-seat
aircraft powered by a pair of turboprops.
These are jet turbines that turn a propeller
at the front of the engine via a gearbox.
Each turboprop produces two mega-

watts of power. Typically, the engines run
at full power during the 20 minutes of take-
off and climb, and are then throttled back
for the cruise and descent. In the conver-
sion, the jet turbine driving the propeller
on one side of the aircraft will be replaced
with a downsized version producing about
1 mw. An electric motor attached to the tur-
bine’s gearbox will provide another 1mw.
The idea, explains Paul Eremenko, utc’s
chief technology officer, is that during a
full-power take-off and climb the combi-
nation of electric motor and jet turbine
would produce the necessary 2mw. Then,
during cruise, the electric motor would be
switched off. As the aircraft descends,
which can also take around 20 minutes, the
electric motor would run in reverse to act
as a generator, turned by the windmilling
propeller. This would top up the battery for
a subsequent full-power take-off, or an
emergency “go-around” in case the landing
had to be aborted.
Project 804’s flight trials will help work

out both how such hybrid engines could re-
place turboprops on existing aircraft and
how they might be used by entirely new
models. As the downsized turbines would
be optimised for cruising, they would
themselves have better fuel economy.
Working with the electric motor, the hybrid
combination on a regional turboprop air-
liner, which typically flies routes of around
one hour’s duration, would result in fuel
savings of at least 30%, says Mr Eremenko.
Other sorts of hybrid are in develop-
ment. Earlier this month Ampaire, an elec-
tric-aircraft firm in Los Angeles, undertook
the virgin flight of a six-seat Cessna Sky-
master converted into a hybrid. Skymas-
ters have a propeller engine at the front and
another engine driving a “pusher” prop at
the rear. Ampaire replaced the rear engine
with a battery-powered electric motor. On
its own, this engine would be a series hy-
brid, except that as it works in conjunction
with the combustion engine at the front,
Ampaire calls it a parallel hybrid.
Zunum Aero, based near Seattle, is
working on a 12-seat series hybrid which it
hopes to deliver in 2022. This aircraft will
be powered by two rear-mounted 500kw
electric turbofans (which turn a fan inside
a shroud and so look a bit like jet engines).
The turbofans will be supplied with elec-
tricity by a small jet-powered generator in
the rear of the fuselage, which will also top
up batteries contained in the wings.
For larger aircraft, electric turbofans
that are vastly more powerful—perhaps up
20 mw—will be needed. Much will depend
on what Boeing and Airbus decide to do
with their future models, and how radical
their designs will be. An alternative to large
engines is lots of small ones. Giant flying
wings with many electric thrusters are one
idea. But these would require a number of
technological leaps, not just in batteries
but also in aerodynamics and electricity

Power up
More conventional-looking hybrid aircraft
are possible. Airbus has teamed up with
Rolls-Royce, a British jet-engine manufac-
turer, and Siemens, a German electricals
giant, to electrify an example of a 100-seat-
er regional aircraft called the bae146. This
plane is powered by four conventional jet
turbofans, albeit small ones. To start with,
one of the 146’s four engines will be re-
placed with a 2mw electric turbofan pow-
ered by a combination of battery and gener-
ator. If all goes well, a second engine will be
replaced with a similar unit. Again, the idea
is that a combination of combustion en-
gines and electrical power will produce a
cleaner, more efficient aircraft. Spurred on
by environmental concerns and stricter
controls on emissions, for larger passenger
aircraft going hybrid seems to be the most
likely flight plan. 7

Airliners that mix batteries and fossil fuel could come to dominate the skies

Electrifying flight

Hybrid vigour

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