Crochet World - USA (2018-10)

(Antfer) #1


dc sts] 3 times, ch 1, join (see
Pattern Notes) in 4th ch of beg
ch-4, turn. (12 dc, 4 ch-1 sps)
Row 1 (WS): Now working in
rows, sl st in ch-1 sp, ch 3 (see
Pattern Notes), dc in each of
next 3 sts, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in
next corner ch-1 sp, dc in each
of next 3 sts, dc in next ch-1 sp,
turn. (12 dc)
Row 2 (RS): Ch 3, dc in each
st across to next corner ch-2 sp,
(2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in ch-2 sp, dc in
each rem dc across, turn. (16 dc)
Rows 3–8: [Rep row 2] 6 times.
At the end of row 8, change
color (see Stitch Guide) to black,
fasten off A1. (40 dc)
Row 9: Rep row 2, change color
to A2. Fasten off black. (44 dc)
Row 10: Ch 3, dc in each st
across to next corner ch-2 sp,
(2 dc, ch 1 in ch-2 sp, yarn to
front and drop (see Special
Stitches), yo with A3 and draw
through lp on hook to complete
as 2nd ch-1, continuing with A3,
2 dc in same ch-2 sp), dc in each
st across, turn. (48 dc)
Row 11: Ch 3, dc in each st
across to next corner ch-2 sp,
(2 dc, ch 1) in ch-2 sp, bring yarn
to front and drop, yo with A
and draw through lp on hook to
complete as 2nd ch-1, continuing
with A2, 2 dc in same ch-2 sp, dc
in each st across, turn. (52 dc)
Row 12: Ch 3, dc in each st
across to next ch-2 sp, (2 dc,
ch 1) in corner ch-2 sp, bring A

to front and drop, yo with A
and draw through lp on hook to
complete as a ch-1, continuing
with A3, 2 dc in same ch-2 sp, dc
in each st across, turn. (56 dc)
Rows 13–20: [Rep rows 11
and 12 alternately] 4 times.
At the end of row 20, do not
turn. (88 dc)

Partial Edging
With RS facing, working in ends
of rows 10–20 to left of last st
made, ch 1, work 20 sc evenly sp
to row 9, change color to black
on last sc, *2 sc in end of row
9**, change color to A1 on last
sc, work 21 sc evenly sp along
ends of rows 1–8 and side edge
of rnd 1 to ch-1 corner sp, (sc,
ch 1, sc) in ch-1 sp, work 21 sc
evenly sp along side edge of rnd
1 and in ends of rows 1–8 to row
9, change color to black on last
sc, rep from * to ** once, change
color to A2 on last sc, work 20 sc
evenly sp in ends of rows 10–20,
ch 1, join to top of beg ch-3 of
row 20. Fasten off. (88 sc)

Square Edging
Rnd 1: Place square with RS
facing on a flat surface with
rnd 1 in lower right corner,
using black, place sl st on hook,
insert hook from front to back to
front under ch-2 sp corner of rnd
8, yo, draw through lp on hook
to complete as a sl st, continu-
ing to work in ch-2 corner sps
of rows 9–20, [ch 2, insert hook
in same manner in next corner

ch-2 sp, yo, draw through lp on
hook to complete a loose sl st
(see Special Stitches)] across,
ending with a sl st in ch-2 corner
sp of row 20, sc in same ch-2 sp,
working to left of sc just made,
sc in each st across to next ch-
corner, [(sc, ch 1 sc) in back lp
(see Stitch Guide) of ch-1 corner,
sc in each st across to next cor-
ner ch-1 sp] 3 times, sc in next
corner ch-1 sp, ch 1, join in first
sc. Fasten off black. (184 sc)

Rep same as for First Square
following Square Color

Work favorite method to block
each Square to 12 inches square
and allow to dry completely.
When blocking smaller first-
color section at upper left-hand
corner of square, it should mea-
sure 51/2 inches square.
Following Square Color
Sequence Diagram, arrange
squares in 5 horizontal rows of
4 squares.


  1. With WS of any 2 squares
    held tog and working through
    both thicknesses, leaving a
    10-inch length at beg, join 1
    strand of black in any ch-1 cor-
    ner, loose sl st in each st across
    and in next ch-1 corner, leaving
    a 10-inch length, fasten off.

  2. With either end of seam fac-
    ing, insert hook between front
    and back lp of first st to right
    of seam just completed, yo with
    yarn length and draw up lp,
    work 2 sc in end of seam, sl st
    in first sc to left of seam. Fasten
    off. Rep on opposite end working
    2 sc in opposite end of seam.

  3. Rep steps 1 and 2 to join all
    squares vertically and finish
    seams for all vertical rows.

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