Crochet World - USA (2018-10)

(Antfer) #1


sl st under both bars of final st.
Fasten off.

Make 73 total: 31 evergreen,
18 lettuce, 6 merlot and 18
Ch 207 (or number needed to
weave lengthwise through mesh
of base). Fasten off.

Beg at right edge, from bottom
to top, weave vertical stripes
through the eyelets of the base
in the following order: 3 ever-
green, *3 lettuce, 1 merlot,
3 lettuce, 5 evergreen, 3 cornsilk,
1 merlot, 3 cornsilk, 5 evergreen;
rep from * across, ending final
rep with 3 evergreen. Placing a
locking stitch marker or safety
pin in final ch can help thread
the stripe through the mesh.

Rnd 1: With RS facing and
standard crochet hook, sc join
(see Special Stitches) evergreen
in opposite side of final founda-
tion ch, work 2 additional sc
in same place, mark center st
(see Pattern Notes) as corner,
sc in unworked lps of each

foundation ch across working
through ends of vertical stripes
and foundation ch as needed,
3 sc in unworked lps of final ch,
mark center st as corner; work-
ing in ends of rows sc in each
row across, 3 sc in first bind-off
st, mark center st as corner, sc in
each bind-off st across working
3 sc in last bind-off st, mark cen-
ter st as corner, working in ends
of rows sc in each row across,
join (see Pattern Notes) in beg
sc. (147 sc between corner sts on
top and bottom, 135 sc between
corner sts on side edges)
Rnd 2: Ch 3 (see Pattern Notes),
3 dc in corner st, dc in each st
around, working 3 dc in each
corner st, join in top of beg ch-3.
(149 dc between corner sts on top
and bottom, 137 dc between cor-
ner sts on side edges)
Rnd 3: Ch 2 (see Pattern Notes),
bpdc (see Stitch Guide) around
the post (see Stitch Guide) of
next st, *3 dc in corner st, bpdc
around the post of next st, [fpdc
(see Stitch Guide) around the
post of next st, bpdc around the
post of next st] across to next
corner st; rep from * around,
ending with bpdc around last st;
join in top of beg ch-2. (151 sts

between corner sts on top and
bottom, 139 sts between corner
sts on side edges)
Rnd 4: Ch 2, bpdc around post
of next bpdc, fpdc around the
post of next st, *3 dc in next cor-
ner st, fpdc around the post of
next st, [bpdc around the post of
next st, fpdc around the post of
next st] across to next corner st;
rep from * around, ending with
bpdc around last st; join in top of
beg ch-2. (153 sts between corner
sts on top and bottom, 141 sts
between corner sts on side edges)
Rnd 5: Ch 2, bpdc around the
post of next bpdc, fpdc around
the post of next fpdc, bpdc
around next st, *3 dc in next cor-
ner st, bpdc around the post of
next st, [fpdc around the post of
next st, bpdc around the post of
next st] across to next corner st;
rep from * around, ending with
bpdc around last st; join in top of
beg ch-2. (155 sts between corner
sts on top and bottom, 143 sts
between corner sts on side edges)
Rnd 6: Ch 1, *sc in each st
across to next corner st, 3 sc in
corner st; rep from * around,
ending with sc in last st; join
in first sc. Fasten off. (157 sc
between corner sts on top and
bottom, 145 sc between corner sts
on side edges)

Weave in ends. Block. CW

Designer Tip
When weaving the chain
through the mesh make sure you
always start at the lower edge
and begin with the final chain
made. This will make it easier to
remove extra chains if needed or
to add a few chains if you have
left a long enough tail.
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