Crochet World - USA (2018-10)

(Antfer) #1


Fall Scarecrow
Silverware Pocket
Continued from page 49

Row 4 (inc row): Ch 2, sk 2 sts,
tr in next st, working in front of
tr, 2 dc in first sk st, 1 dc in next
st, sk next 3 sts, tr in next st,
working in front of tr, dc in 3 sk
sts, dc in last st, turn. (9 sts)
Row 5 (inc row): Ch 2, dc in
first st, [sk next 3 sts, tr in next
st, working behind tr, dc in
3 sk sts] twice, dc in same st
as tr, turn. (10 sts)
Row 6: Ch 2, dc in first st, [sk
next 3 sts, tr in next st, work-
ing in front of tr, dc in 3 sk sts]
twice, dc in last st, turn.
Row 7 (inc row): Ch 2, dc in
first st, [sk 3 sts, tr in next st,
working behind tr, dc in 3 sk sts]
twice, dc in last st, 2 dc in turn-
ing ch, turn. (12 sts)

Row 8 (inc row): Ch 2, sk 2 sts,
tr in next st, working in front
of tr, 2 dc in first sk st, 1 dc in
next st, [sk next 3 sts, tr in next
st, working in front of tr, dc in
3 sk sts] twice, dc in last st,
turn. (13 sts)
Row 9 (inc row): Ch 2, dc in
first st, [sk next 3 sts, tr in next
st, working behind tr, dc in 3 sk
sts] across, dc in same st as last
tr, turn. (14 sts)
Row 10: Ch 2, dc in first dc,
[sk next 3 sts, tr in next st,
working in front of tr, dc in
3 sk sts] across to last st, dc
in last st, turn.
Row 11 (inc row): Ch 2, dc in
first st, [sk 3 sts, tr in next st,
working behind tr, dc in 3 sk sts]
across to last st, dc in last st,
2 dc in turning ch, turn. (16 sts)
Row 12 (inc row): Ch 2, sk
2 sts, tr in next st, working in

front of tr, 2 dc in first sk st,
1 dc in next st, [sk next 3 sts, tr
in next st, working in front of tr,
dc in 3 sk sts] across to last st,
dc in last st, turn. (17 sts)
Rows 13–77: [Rep rows 9–12]
16 times, continuing to inc
through row 76, or until scarf
reaches desired length. Rep row

  1. Fasten off at the end of the
    last row. (82 sts) CW

Designer Tip

If you want to see this pattern
in action, you can view Bonnie’s
complete video tutorial online:
Right-handed: https://youtu.

Arrow Asymmetrical Scarf
Continued from page 54

Row 4: Rep row 3, ch 1, turn.
(10 sc)
Rows 5 & 6: Sc in each sc,
ch 1, turn.
Row 7: Rep row 3, ch 1, turn.
(8 sc)
Rows 8 & 9: Rep row 3. (4 sc)
Row 10: [Sc dec in 2 sc] twice,
ch 1, turn. (2 sc)
Row 11: Sc dec in 2 sc, fasten
off. (1 sc)

On 2 faces for fronts: With
sewing thread and needle,
attach 2 buttons to face for eyes.

Using length of orange yarn,
attach nose to face having point
facing upward.
With black yarn, embroider
mouth below nose between rnds
6 and 7 using running stitch.
Use photo as guide.
To attach hats: With length
of hat color, attach hat cuff of
1 hat (burgundy on boy, thyme
on girl) to top of each front
face, slightly covering hair. In
the same manner, attach hat
cuff of 1 matching hat to top
of each back face. Curve hat
cuffs slightly to fit curve of face
pieces. St very ends of front and
back hat cuff pieces tog, leaving
top of hat open for pocket.
For girl, sew hatband to hat
just above cuff. With fabric glue,
attach sunflower to girl’s hat.

For boy, sew patch turned on its
end on hat.
Using length of Aran, use a st
through both thicknesses to
attach front and back faces tog;
start right below hair on
left side and continue all the
way around to corresponding st
on opposite side.
With slightly warm steam iron
and double thickness of cloth
between iron and pocket, press
bandanna so that it lies flat. Be
very careful to not get the iron
too hot so that it will not flatten
out the sts. Sew 1 bandanna to
the bottom of each face. CW
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