Lesson Three: What Buddhism Is

(bhcheah) #1

Experience the Dhamma

The fruits of the Dhamma (the teachings) can be
experienced here and now. If one is to walk the
path as has been outlined by the Buddha, then
anyone can attain happiness and peace.

Nibbana is not reserved for Buddhists. It is open
to everyone regardless of his race, religion,
physical characteristics, etc. so long as he walks
the right path.

Just as a physicist in London announces that
water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C at sea
level anyone in New York, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo
or Amsterdam can conduct the same
experiment to test the truth of the statement.

Buddhism is beyond science

Scientific knowledge is completely dependent
on the five senses for its verification, but
Buddhism goes beyond science in its
acceptance of truth. While Buddhism accepts
the knowledge from the senses. it also admits
knowledge that comes through personal
experiences and through mental culture - by
training and developing a concentrated mind.

Buddhism alone says that the riddle of
existence can be solved. Birth can be stopped.
not by destroying matter universally. But by
stopping the conditions for rebirth. Science is
not concerned with the moral consequences:
Buddhism is.

As Bertrand Russel, the great philosopher of our
times, in the History of Western Philosopher
said of Buddhism: "It takes up where science
cannot lead because of the limitations of the
latter's physical instruments. Its conquests are
those of the mind."

  1. Self-Reliance
    Do you realize that you make your destiny? The
    Buddha said that all our griefs, misfortunes and
    anxieties spring from the imperfections of heart
    and mind. Weliketothinkthat someone else is
    responsiblefor our sufferingsby predetermining
    our fate or perhaps our sufferings arise without

These are wrong views. Man is the result his
actions performed in the past. As aresult,of
wrong view and delusion, he suffers from the
consequences of his evil deeds.

Since man is responsible for his sorrow, it is
within his power to put an end to it.

The Buddha explained very clearly that the
good and bad deeds we perform have their
resultant effects- good deeds yield good fruits
while evil deeds yield bad fruits. The Buddha
also taught us the way to dispel our ignorance.
By our own effort of leading a moral life and
undertaking mental purification, we work our
way towards the release of suffering.

''By oneself is one defiled”
“By oneself is one purified."
Our life, our society, ourworld is what you and I
want' to make of it, and not what some other
unknown being wants. The Buddha showed us
the path. If is left to us to follow it to obtain
purification. Effort is needed to eradicate the
passions of lust, hatred and ignorance that
defile the mind.

If you have been harboring thoughts of
vengeance and on realizing that these thoughts
are unwholesome. you would want to eradicate
them. Who can best eradicate these thoughts
from your mind? Others? Othersmay provide
thefavorableconditions,but you must do the
work you are responsible for. Only you yourself,
armed with right effort, can eradicate
unwholesome thoughts.
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