2021-03-08 Publishers Weekly

(Coto Paxi) #1


MARCH 8, 2021

Your guide to self-publishing

Choosing a Point of View • First Lines •

32 New BookLife Titles Reviewed •

“Degenerate” Books for

Discerning Readers

Pravum, a new indie publishing platform, is born under lockdown



or many authors, the
pandemic has led to one
unexpected silver lin-
ing: more time at home can
mean more time to focus on
writing and publishing.
Dallas Athent will emerge
from the lockdown with both
a newly published novel and
a new publishing venture.
Pravum launches with the
publication of Athent’s Lesser
Journeys, written under the
pen name Dallie Ago, which
follows a female engineer
with a chronic illness as she
travels throughout Europe.
Though Athent and her
cofounders, Jennifer Obidike From l.: Camille Johnston, Dallas Athent, and Jennifer Obidike
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