2021-03-08 Publishers Weekly

(Coto Paxi) #1


60 BOOKLIFE, MARCH 8, 2021


here can be a lot of anxiety about selecting
the right point of view for a novel. It’s no
wonder: there are a lot of conflicting opinions.
Some prevailing wisdom claims that publishers
only like the third person, or that a writer will
never find an agent who will accept a novel written
in the first person. One of the benefits of being
a self-published author is that you have the free-
dom to select whichever point of view for your
novel in progress makes the most sense to you.

What are the options?
Some writers find that one point of view comes
more naturally. Other writers default to one point
of view because they just aren’t sure what options
exist. In order to determine which point of view is
right for your next book, it can be helpful to explore
all the possibilities.
First-person singular: With the first person, a
book is usually narrated from the perspective of
one character using the pronoun I. Readers follow
the story through this character’s perspective and
experience. Readers will only see, know, and expe-
rience the story as the narrator does.
First-person omniscient: The book is written in
the first person, but, while the narrator of the book
is a character in the story, that person also has a
unique knowledge of the thoughts and actions of
the other characters.
Second person: Not often used for book-length
writing, the second person speaks directly to the
reader in the text. In this way—to borrow a term

from theater—the writer breaks the fourth wall
and brings the reader into the story, making “you”
a character.
Third-person limited: In this point of view, the
narrator, who is not a character in the story, follows
the experiences and perspectives of one character.
Third-person omniscient: This style is a very
common point of view for writers to use. With
third-person omniscient, the book has a narrator
who is all knowing and able to move among the
lives of each character in the story. This means
writers can not only share with the reader what
is happening for each character but also enter the
mind of each character, sharing their hopes, dreams,
fears—things those characters might not share with
others in dialogue.

Which point of view should you use?
Ultimately, each author is going to have an indi-
vidual style and approach, and often each book will
have a voice that will be most effectively realized

What’s the Point

(of View)?

One of the most important decisions

a writer can make concerns a

narrative’s point of view


As self-published

writers, we get a lot of

control over how we

structure our work and

our stories.

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