2021-03-08 Publishers Weekly

(Coto Paxi) #1

AfterLIFE: Waking Up
from My American
Carlo Pietro Sanfilippo |
Stonebrook Publishing
158p, trade paper, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
Sanfilippo’s debut recon-
structs his life story, approaching
it with focused intention, self-
understanding, and joy—and
using it as an example to inspire
others to get off autopilot. After a
divorce and the loss of both
parents, Sanfilippo realized that the apparent triumph of having
accumulated the hallmarks of success—the house, the car, a
booming financial planning business—were not the manifesta-
tion of his true dreams. Instead, they stood only as remnants of the
life he thought he was supposed to live. AfterLIFE recounts his
diving into art, mprov, travel, and therapy, and finally finding what
he feels is authentic growth and deep satisfaction with his world.
Sanfilippo writes straightforward and relatable prose that
persuasively communicates the delight he now finds in building
furniture, performing with others, and connecting with clients.
He’s less successful, though, when framing his story as practical
advice. The book at times occupies an uncertain no-man’s-land
between letting Sanfilippo’s experience passively serve as an
inspiration and offering a self-help guidebook with structured
lessons. Readers with fewer
resources and opportunities
than Sanfilippo may feel disap-
pointed that much of his advice
targets reasonably well-off
people whose challenges come
primarily from internal
Sanfilippo powerfully affirms
the value of a “mid-life crisis”—
a process of realignment that
too often is culturally mini-
mized—and of the possibility of
finding new meaning and ways
to relate to others. His elevation
of the “yes and” concept from
improv to life philosophy is
broadly applicable, as is his
belief that being unhappy does
one’s children no favors, but
Sanfilippo’s chief strength is his
skillful grounding of personal
experiences in self-love and
self-trust, with an air of vulner-
ability that will appeal to

Hidden Travel: The
Way to More
Steve Brock | Sublimity Press
298p, trade paper, $15.99, ISBN 978-1-
Brock, a writer and photogra-
pher who has published in
National Geographic, encourages
experienced and potential globe-
trotters to focus on the journey
rather than the destination. This
guide delights with its stunning
chronicles of Brock’s visits to
extraordinary sites, delicious
samples of his travel photography, and his invaluable tips and
tricks for turning a vacation into a search for “more.” More means
more excitement, more adventure, and more meaning. Brock
tutors travel aficionados on balancing scheduling and sponta-
neity, the mental and literal practices of packing light, and
narrowing a trip’s focus for the most fulfilling experience. What
makes this guide and travelogue a true gem, though, is its useful-
ness not just for transcontinental vacations but also to daily living.
This guide packs a punch when it comes to applying its advice
to areas outside of travel: “Few things are more hidden and less
helpful on a trip (or in life) than expectations. Leave yours behind
to discover more.” Brock urges his audience to take life moment-
by-moment, elongate their perception of time, and experience
day-to-day sights, sounds, and smells with an enhanced sense of
gratitude. Some of Brock’s advice (for example, returning to the
same place night after night, or deciding to extend certain legs of a
trip) will be difficult to follow for
travelers who don’t enjoy the
luxury of being able to choose
like-minded companions for
their trips. At times he overlooks
the more mundane challenges
of touring-- specifically, that
family and friends may vary in
their interests.
Between the specific trip
guidance (such as speaking to
locals about their favorite spots)
and the dazzling photography,
Hidden Travel will inspire
wanderlust not just for grand
excursions but also the
everyday. Brock offers an exer-
cise in appreciation, preserving
the moment, and articulating
what it is that you want, making
this an inviting read for
explorers, adventurers, or those
just seeking a more purposeful
way of living.

Readers discovering
that the “American
Dream” is not offer-
ing satisfaction will
find Sanfilippo’s
story a gentle nudge
for pursuing per-
sonal growth.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design & typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A

Production grades
Cover: A
Design & typography: A
Illustrations: –
Editing: A
Marketing copy: B

This travel book

offers meaningful

advice and stunning

photographs for

those planning a

trip or just looking

for more from life.


Great for fans of
Great for fans of Alain
de Botton’s The Art of
Travel, Rolf Potts’s

Great for fans of
Julia Cameron’s It’s
Never Too Late to
Begin Again, Patricia
Ryan Madson’s
Improv Wisdom.
Free download pdf