
(lvitn) #1

Uses of Cloud Computing

Most of us don’t realize that we actually use cloud computing regularly; you’re probably
using this very minute without even knowing. If you use an email service provider, an
online service for document editing, if you listen to music or watch TV over the internet,
play internet-based games, use online storage for files, photos or music, then there is a
good chance that cloud computing is running it all for you.

It is barely 10 years since the very first cloud computing services came into being but
already we are seeing vast numbers of businesses, from the very smallest to the global
biggies, even non-profits and government agencies, using the technology in one way or

So, what can we do with cloud computing?

  • Apps and Services

We can quickly and easily create and deploy all kinds of applications – mobile, web, and
API – on just about any platform. The resources required to meet performance
objectives, along with security and compliance, are all available at the press of a button.

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