
(lvitn) #1

Why Do Companies Use Microsoft Azure?

On-site data centers are fast going out of fashion, much like dial-up internet and
mainframes already have. Cloud solutions are everywhere now, far more affordable
and efficient and thousands of companies are busy migrating their business to the
cloud as we speak. With so much choice in the cloud arena, why are some of the
biggest companies in the world, like BMW, 3M and GE, choosing Microsoft Azure as
their choice of cloud?

Some of the reasons are:

  • Flexible – Azure allows you to scale your storage and services on the fly; no
    more having to upgrade physical hardware or updating/purchasing/deploying
    new operating systems to get the power your business needs.

  • Cost – Azure offers cheaper, more cost-effective solutions to adding and
    scaling your infrastructure, eliminating the need to purchase physical

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