
(lvitn) #1
hardware, services and infrastructure, not to mention the cost savings in IT

  • Applications – Azure offers a huge amount of services, including on-demand
    storage, a range of Visual Studio applications and more. With Azure, app
    development, testing and deployment are a breeze and you get the advantage
    of significant savings on licenses when you migrate your apps to Azure.

  • Disaster Recovery – Azure offers a high-speed, decentralized infrastructure
    that fits in with any Disaster Recovery plan; critical applications and data can
    continue running during recovery and, rather than days or weeks, recovery is
    done within hours.

The combination of the huge infrastructure Microsoft has, constant development of
apps and services and their extremely powerful place in the IT marketplace ensures
that Azure is the choice of almost all Fortune 500 companies in the world. But because
it is infinitely scalable, it fits all companies of all sizes.

One area where Azure does excel is in logging, offering features like:

  • Logging and health monitoring to ensure the integrity and safety of your data.
    Know instantly if your infrastructure is suffering outage or performance issues
    and set alert levels for diagnostics, Windows IIS logs, crash dumps, and custom
    error logs.

  • Unified Logs and Metrics; provided by Sumo, a trusted Microsoft partner, this
    unifies your metrics and logs from your whole cloud environment using machine
    learning to process the data.

It won't be too long before on-site data centers are a thing of the past. More and more
businesses are making the leap to cloud computing using Microsoft Azure to keep their
businesses in the move and up to date.

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