DevNet Associate DEVASC 200-901 Official Certification Guide by Adrian Iliesiu (

(andrew) #1

.bashrc with your favorite text editor, or use the
following command:

Click here to view code image

$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:/Home/chrijack/bin" >>

This addition becomes active only after you close your
current session or force it to reload the variable. The
source command can be used to reload the variables
from the hidden configuration file .bashrc:

$ source ~/.bashrc

The following command does the same thing as the
previous one because. is also an alias for the source

$. ~/.bashrc

There are many more tricks you can uncover with BASH.
You will get plenty of chances to use it as you study for
the DEVASC exam.


The term version control is used to describe the process
of saving various copies of a file or set of files in order to
track changes made to those files. This description
highlights how incredibly useful it is to the world of
programming. Software version control (SVC) typically
involves a database that stores current and historical
versions of source code to allow multiple people or teams
to work on it at the same time. If a mistake is made and
you want to go back a revision (or to any previous
version), SVC is the answer. You may also hear it called

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