s t a n d D a t a E n c o d i n g U n k n o w n
A SOAP header block or SOAP body child element
information item targeted at the faulting SOAP node is
S e n d e r
The message was incorrectly formed or did not contain
the information needed to succeed. For example, the
message might have lacked the proper authentication or
payment information. This code generally indicates that
the message is not to be resent without change.
R e c e i v e r
The message could not be processed for reasons
attributable to the processing of the message rather than
to the contents of the message itself. For example,
processing could include communicating with an
upstream SOAP node, which did not respond. The
message could succeed, however, if resent at a later point
in time.
The fault message shown in Example 6-5 was generated
because the Detail value wasn’t interpreted correctly due
to the typo in the XML
P5M</m:MaxTime>. The value P5M caused the issue in
this case because the code was expecting it to be 5PM.