DevNet Associate DEVASC 200-901 Official Certification Guide by Adrian Iliesiu (

(andrew) #1

packaged, released, deprecated, and so on. PEP8 is a
popular standard for styling Python code and is
extensively used in the developer community.
Documenting the SDK inline as well as having external
documentation is critical to developer adoption and the
overall quality of the SDK. Having good, up-to-date
documentation of the SDK makes the adoption and
understanding of the code and how to use it much easier.
A good SDK also adds value by saving development time
and providing useful features. Integrating with other
SDKs and development tools should be easy and
scalable, and the code should be optimized for minimal
hardware resource utilization as well as execution time.

SDKs provide the following advantages:

Quicker integration
Faster and more efficient development
Brand control
Increased security

As mentioned previously, there are significant
development time savings when adopting SDKs, as the
functionality and features provided by an SDK don’t have
to be developed in house. This leads to quicker
integration with the API and quicker time to market. In
addition, brand control can be enforced with the SDK.
The look and feel of applications developed using the
SDK can be uniform and in line with the overall brand
design. For example, applications developed for iOS
using the Apple SDK have a familiar and uniform look
and feel because they use the building blocks provided by
the SDK. Application security best practices can be
enforced through SDKs. When you develop using a
security-conscious SDK, the applications developed have
the SDK’s security features integrated automatically. Sets

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