From a programmability perspective, the Meraki cloud
platform provides several APIs:
Captive Portal API
Scanning API
MV Sense Camera API
Dashboard API
The Cisco Meraki cloud platform also provides
webhooks, which offer a powerful and lightweight way to
subscribe to alerts sent from the Meraki cloud when an
event occurs. (For more about webhooks, see Chapter 7.)
A Meraki alert includes a JSON-formatted message that
can be configured to be sent to a unique URL, where it
can be further processed, stored, and acted upon to
enable powerful automation workflows and use cases.
The Captive Portal API extends the power of the built-in
Meraki splash page functionality by providing complete
control of the content and authentication process that a
user interacts with when connecting to a Meraki wireless
network. This means Meraki network administrators can
completely customize the portal, including the
onboarding experience for clients connecting to the
network, how the web page looks and feels, and the
authentication and billing processes.
The Scanning API takes advantage of Meraki smart
devices equipped with wireless and BLE (Bluetooth Low
Energy) functionality to provide location analytics and
report on user behavior. This can be especially useful in
retail, healthcare, and enterprise environments, where
business intelligence and information can be extracted
about trends and user engagement and behavior. The
Scanning API delivers data in real time and can be used
to detect Wi-Fi and BLE devices and clients. The data is
exported to a specified destination server through an