DevNet Associate DEVASC 200-901 Official Certification Guide by Adrian Iliesiu (

(andrew) #1

The key for the authentication request header is X-Cisco-
Meraki-API-Key, and the value is the API key you
obtained previously.

In order to mitigate abuse and denial-of-service attacks,
the Cisco Meraki Dashboard API is limited to 5 API calls
per second per organization. In the first second, a burst
of an additional 5 calls is allowed, for a maximum of 15
API calls in the first 2 seconds per organization. If the
rate limit has been exceeded, an error message with
HTTP status code 429 is returned. The rate-limiting
technique that the Dashboard API implements is based
on the token bucket model. The token bucket is an
algorithm used to check that the data that is transmitted
in a certain amount of time complies with set limits for
bandwidth and burstiness. Based on this model, if the
number of API requests crosses the set threshold for a
certain amount of time, you have to wait a set amount of
time until you can make another request to the API. The
time you have to wait depends on how many more
requests you have performed above the allowed limit; the
more requests you have performed, the more time you
have to wait.

The Cisco Meraki Dashboard API uses the base URL Keep in mind that the
API will evolve, and different versions will likely be
available in the future. Always check the API
documentation for the latest information on all Cisco
APIs, including the Meraki APIs, at

To make it easier for people to become comfortable with
the Meraki platform, the Dashboard API is organized to
mirror the structure of the Meraki dashboard. When you
become familiar with either the API or the GUI, it should
be easy to switch between them. The hierarchy of the
Dashboard API looks as follows:

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