
(DerrickJT) #1

manage that ourselves. Also no to update subscriber.
We now select submission settings.  Here we have two things that
concern us. First we want to redirect people following sign up.  This
is where you input your affiliate link. Secondly make sure you have
‘hide form after sign up’ turned off. Click update form.
Make sure all the update form buttons have been clicked. Your form
is now created and saved for later.

  1. We now want to remove the website heading and sub heading.
    These are standard titles that would usually be on every page of a
    wordpress site. The default Heading is ‘My Blog’ and the default sub
    heading is ‘Just another wordpress site’. Using the ‘Twenty Twelve’
    theme we can remove them easily. Click on ‘Appearance’ in the left
    hand menu then ‘customise’. This bring up the theme editor. In the
    menu click ‘site identity’ then uncheck ‘display site title and tagline’

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