
(DerrickJT) #1

have already installed the plugin ‘hide title’ as explained earlier. Then
to enable this feature we need to select it. It is located on the edit
page beneath the attribute section, just check the box and the tile is
gone and we have a fully blank page.

8. The next step is to design your landing page. This really is up to
you and what you are going to promote. You need to write a good
headline and some persuasive copy.  Alternatively create a video
instead of text copy. Make sure you have installed the plugin
‘TinyMCE advanced’ as this will give you a plethora of text options
like fonts and colours.
9. We now need to integrate the form we made earlier with easy
forms so that we have an opt­in. To do this we click on the little
mailchimp logo in the text toolbar.

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