
(DerrickJT) #1

opportunity here will be a match for you. Still, I promise more than
enough opportunities to keep you busy and increase your cash flow.
The Money Is In The List
That’s correct, the money is in the list and the majority of our online
income is generated from the email lists we build. Therefore I will be
outlining all the tools that are required to build an email list and then
how you can drive hordes of free traffic to that email list, turning the
list into cash.
Generally our systems involve building basic web pages or landing
pages, hooking that page up to an email marketing service, then
sending traffic to that landing page. When the traffic (visitors) hit
the landing page, they will opt into our email list, and in turn we will
show them offers or products we are promoting as an affiliate. We
will earn money as an affiliate immediately if this traffic purchases
products or services we are offering.
Once the visitor has opted into our email list we then email that
person daily to sell or offer services or products for sale as an
affiliate and we get paid on a daily basis every single day.
The Tools That Are Required To Build An Online Internet
There are only a few basic tools that you need to use to build your
email lists and to build a genuine online business, however I’ll be
showing you hordes or resources I highly advise you use in your
online business. And what’s best about these resources, they are
100% FREE!
We will provide you with various solutions and options in each
category. These are bullet proof tested and we use these in our

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