
(DerrickJT) #1

Under 1 minute: The all-in time of the average Google search
session (from the time of the initial query to the loading of the
search results page and the selection of any results, plus any back
button clicks to those SERPs and selection of new results.) (Moz)

66%: The percentage of distinct search queries that resulted in one
or more clicks on Google’s results. (34% of searches get no clicks
at all.) (Moz)

3.4%: The percentage of distinct search queries in Google that
resulted in a click on a Google ad (paid). (Moz)

0.9%: The percentage of search results that get a click
on Google Maps. (Moz)

~0.5%: The percentage of clicks on Google search results that go
to links in the Knowledge Graph. (Moz)

3%: The percentage of clicks on Google search results that go to
image blocks. (Moz)

~0.23%: The percentage of clicks on Google search results that go
to Twitter block results. (Moz)

1.8%: The percentage of clicks on Google search results that go to
YouTube. (Moz)

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