
(DerrickJT) #1

0.16%: The percentage of clicks on Google search results that go
to personalized Gmail/Google Mail results. (Moz)

0.55%: The percentage of clicks on Google search results that go
to Google Shopping results. (Moz)

11.8%: The percentage of clicks from distinct Google searches that
result in a click on a Google property, i.e., YouTube, Google Maps,
Gmail, Google Books, the Google Play Store on mobile, etc. (Moz)

~25% of all searches are distributed across the top 1MM queries,

with the top 10MM queries accounting for about 45% and the top

1BB queries accounting for close to 90%. (Moz)

25%: The percentage of all search volume that happens outside the
top 100 million keywords. (Moz)

40.9%: The percentage of Google searches done on mobile

devices that result in an organic click, 2% in a paid click, and 5 7.1 %
in no click at all. (Moz)

62.2%: The percentage of Google searches done on desktop

devices that result in an organic click, 2.8% in a paid click, and 35%
in no click. (Moz)

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